Bergan 101

Welcome to Bergan 101! This page is dedicated to helping new families find the information needed to become familiar with our school. These resources will help you stay informed with school communication, student academic progress, lunch menus, upcoming events and much more. Click on each heading below to learn more. 


  • Sycamore Education is the student information system used by our school. It's the one place to find school related news, lunch menus, classroom grades and much more. If you need assistance finding your username and/or password reach out to Brett Meyer at
    When logging in, the Bergan School ID is 1100.

  • Bergan's financial management system is called Tuition Management. Once your account is created, financial transactions, such as enrollment fees, lunch balances, tuition and much more can be paid through Tuition Management. Click on Tuition Management to access the enrollment process.

  • New and current families are encouraged to apply for scholarships each year.

  • The Bergan Block is a private Facebook group full of information regarding just about everything school related. This is a great place for families to ask questions and is also a common location for families to sell and buy school uniforms and Bergan approved apparel. Membership is granted through a list of questions and can even be a great place for grandparents to join as well.

  • School Beacon is a text message service. Families must register online in order to receive notifications. Communication is typically limited to weather related closings, critical announcements and information related to last minute changes. This is not an overused program so don't worry about the school flooding you with text notifications.

  • It's a fact, our families love the ease and comfort of school uniforms. No more morning battles deciding what to wear. And we make buying easy and cost effective. NOTE: Beginning with the 2023-2024 school year, yellow tops and pants as well as navy tops and pants should no longer be purchased as those colors are being discontinued.

  • Elementary Parent Knights offers pre-packaged school supplies for the upcoming academic year sourced from Educational Products, Inc. Supplies will be delivered to the classroom at Back to School Night in August. This information will be released in February.

  • Here is a list of the back-to-school supplies required for 7th and 8th graders heading back to school in the fall.

  • Anyone who would like to volunteer, in any capacity that puts them in contact with students at Bergan must complete a Safe Environment training class sponsored by the Archdiocese. Course certification is awarded upon successful complete of the class and a background check. It's always a good idea to get certified when possible as this is a wonderful entry into the school to assist when needed. Volunteerism is at the backbone of any successful organization and is a great way to utilize your talents.

  • We offer many opportunities for our parents to get involved at Bergan and the Parent Knights (PTA) organization is a great way to give back by supporting school activities throughout the school year. There are two Parent Knight organizations here at Bergan, one for our elementary school and one for our high school. Both of these organizations play an integral part in helping to facilitate Bergan's mission.

  • The safety of our students is always our top priority each and everyday and that especially extends to morning drop off and after school pick up. Like anything new, the process can feel daunting, but parents quickly learn the process and applaud its effectiveness. The attached map can help you navigate the lines, while providing some advanced guidance for this daily process.