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Archbishop Bergan Catholic School provides the opportunities of a large school in a smaller school setting. With an enrollment of 450, Bergan has the benefits of an optimum enrollment size: stronger student achievement, higher participation among students and a richer curriculum. As a result, Bergan offers the most comprehensive academic and extracurricular programs to ensure the development of the whole person – intellectually, spiritually, physically and socially.


Give students opportunities to develop their interests and potential beyond the academic classroom.

Objectives of extracurriculars include the following to help all students:

1. learn to use their leisure time wisely,
2. increase and use constructively whatever unique talents and skills they possess,
3. develop new recreational interests and skills,
4. develop a positive attitude toward the value of academic and recreational activities,
5. increase their knowledge of and skill in functioning as leaders and/or members of a group,
6. promote physical fitness and encourage habits which build and maintain good health,
7. promote the development of personality and communication skills through participation in fine arts activities,
8. develop a positive attitude toward school as a result of participation in the student activities program,
9. and develop a realistic and positive attitude toward themselves and others.

Elementary Extra Curricular Activities Sponsor
Band (5-6) Mr. Jeremy Murman
Volleyball - Parochial Athletic League (4-6) Mr. Wyatt Morse, Coordinator
Boys Basketball - Parochial Athletic League (4-6) Mr. Wyatt Morse, Coordinator
Girls Basketball - Parochial Athletic League (4-6) Mr. Wyatt Morse, Coordinator

Middle School Extra Curricular Activities Sponsor
Band Mr. Jeremy Murman
Choir Mrs. Maggie Winterlin
School Musical Mrs. Maggie Winterlin
Speech Mr. Lezza Perry
Student Council
Cheerleading Mrs. Emily Guldenpfenning
Football Mr. Curtis Marolf
Volleyball Mrs. Amy Sund
Cross Country Mr. Steven Faulkner
Wrestling Mr. Curtis Marolf
Boys Basketball Mr. John Faulkner
Girls Basketball Mr. Jeff Waters
Boys Track & Field Mr. Michael Vanek
Girls Track & Field Mr. Michael Vanek

High School Extra Curricular Activities Sponsors
Band Mr. Jeremy Murman
Campus Ministry Mr. Michael Vanek
Class Activities - 11th Grade Mrs. Leeza Perry
Class Activities - 12th Grade Mr. Scott Painter & Mr. Chris Rainforth
Cheerleading Mrs. Kesha Schuller
Choir Mrs. Maggie Winterlin
Dance Team Ms. Rachael Watson
National Honor Society Mrs. Lezza Perry
One Act Play Mrs. Maggie Winterlin
School Musical Mrs. Maggie Winterlin
Speech Mrs. Lezza Perry
Student Council Mr. Jeremy Murman
Yearbook Staff Mr. Scott Painter
Football Mr. Seth Mruz
Volleyball Mrs. Sue Wewel
Cross Country Mr. Steven Faulkner
Girls Golf Mr. Jeremy Murman
Wrestling Mr. Curtis Marolf
Boys Basketball Mr. Ryan Mlnarik
Girls Basketball Mr. Nate Pribnow
Boys Track & Field Mr. T.J. Folkers
Girls Track & Field Mr. T.J. Folkers
Boys Golf Mr. Chris Rainforth
Baseball Mr. Jeff Hayden
Cooperative Athletics with Fremont High School Sponsors
Boys Tennis Mr. Justin Bigsby
Girls Tennis Mr. Justin Bigsby
Boys Swimming Mr. David Struble
Girls Swimming Mr. David Struble
Boys Soccer Mr. Jeremy Tosoya
Girls Soccer Mrs. Gina Hoffman
Softball Mr. Katie McClain

We recognize the individual learning styles and abilities of each student!

  • Taking ACT


  • Average ACT Score


  • Graduation rate


  • Receiving Scholarships
